That is a very good printing! This is the first one I see (apart of my multiple tests) Great job! ghosting is a little weird but layers are really hard to see and quoality seems pretty good! I want to see it painted :) Thank you for sharing!
Thanks for delivering such a great work! First part fresh from printer - next is in progress. Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Thank you for supporting my works :) That printing is looking great... you have a little oozing there, but it seems that a little tweak in retraction or heat adjustment can do the trick! Two thumbs up!
I guess it is only fair to report another success of your work: Printed fast and easy, but only after switching to cura. Slic3r Prusa Edition did weird things to the thrusters, in short it printed only one thruster of each pair and all the shielding. I hope, I'll manage to fill all the gaps soon enough to paint it on weekend.
Thank you very much!! That's a great printing @Shingen, it is smooth and it is impossible to see layering or overhang distortions! I abandoned Slic3r long ago in favor of cura becouse it tends to do weird things and ignore some details. Anyway there may be something wrong with the thrusters, have to take a look to slic3r and fix it if there's something wrong. Have you find some problems with the engine rods? it seems that it didn't fit in the holes. Tolerance is big, in my printer they are loose and have to do the tape trick you can see in the manual. As every printer has its own tolerances and accuracy... it is impossible to make a perfect junction.
Thank you Topo. This was printed at .15 mm layers, around 45 mm/s with standard .4 mm nozzle. The photo smooths it a bit, but general effect is very good. Hope to show it better after painting. As for slicers I agree completely. Used only Cura with my previous printer but the new one has factory profile on Slic3r, so out of laziness went that way (I also kind of like its “cut” tool). However, with your thrusters I finally got my act together and prepared profile for Cura – so another win for you ;). Just for information purposes this is how it looks like after slicing with Slis3r: As for the engines, they’re only provisionally attached for the photo, I keep them separate for painting. But fit is rather tight, with 15% infill I’m not sure the pegs will withstand pushing into bushes. It is not something you can easily fix in design program unless you change shape of pegs and bushes completely (triangle would probably be the easiest). Different filaments, settings of temperature and part cooling interacting with gravity will always deform bushes and no one can foresee how much before trying.
Despite best efforts didn't manage to paint my bird fully, still waiting for the gloss to fully cure before washing. A picture to prove that I really tried:
Hey guys, do you think that there is a way to print the canopy for the Chicharra without the windscreen? Had the idea of making the driver's compartment and wanted to know if it was feasible.
As for printing itself I don’t think I makes any difference, you’d need to change the .stl model, and that’s it. On the other hand, one of the unlocked rewards in the kickstarter campaign was actually a model with full interior, so unless you need it now it is probably best to just wait a bit.
It was my birthday last week, so I treated myself to a printer. I got an Ender-3. It arrived yesterday, built it this evening and got a tiny dog test printed. Chicharra aft fuselage is now printing. Fingers crossed folks! :)
I'm sorry, I've been out from the forums for a while (things goes wild at work when you're getting closer to holiday season) It has been a very nice surprise finding out so much advances on your printings!! That seems like a jolly good printing to me I really like the "gunslinger" version with the two big guns instead of rockets, as you printed full set of weapons I think you're going to use magnets to change configurations, am I right? First images (prior washing) were a little weird, but final result in your terrain looks amazing. I really advice you to use some decals (be it true decals or painting what it is supposed to be a decal) that improves the overall looking of the model, trust me Really like the "civilian" looking of it! I'm still working out how to serve the request for late pledges... I'm adding you to the list, as soon as I got it solved I'll contact you. Right now I'm trying to finish the second wave of models for the campaign, that's my priority following the order marked by supporters as campaign ended. I promised all for July and I'm late (even if for KS standards a month is not much delaying). So, after finishing I'll attend late pledges Congratulations!! Maybe Chicharra is not the best model to start printing, becouse it takes a long time and before you get the right parameters and tweak values for your printer you'll have a lot of failures. My advice is: Be strong and don't despair! My first printer was a really bad one and it took me a lot of time and frustration till I understood all the things you must take care of when printing. Start slow, with small simple pieces and accuracy testing models (there are some good ones at thingiverse), when you find the best settings... then go for the bigger pieces! Except if you're really confident on your machine... avoid printing more than one piece at a time. You don't really gain much time and if things goes south you don't loose much work. Be strong and don't despair... again! Bad prints happens from time to time, and finding the best settings for your printer and intended prints is a slow process. Leveling your bed is VERY important, spending 5 minutes leveling for a 10 hour print is a very good way to ensure things goes right from the beginning... losing a 8 hours print becouse it looses contact with the bed due a bad leveling on the final layers is... well, go to points one and four I think every hobbyist should have a printer at home... this is the future folks! so again, congratulations for your first step
Well I'll be honest, the shear number of settings to tweak in cura is terrifying. I googled and watched a setting up vid for my machine, diligently followed it through for my first ever test print. Forgot about leveling the bed, and ended up with a bit of a mess. Got the dog printing after some more googling. Although I was a bit disappointed with how it turned out. But the Chicharra I decided to try the default settings in Cura. I'm really impressed with how it turned out. It ran out of filament, unfortunately, as I wasn't expecting what I think is such a good result I just let it use the small sample of filament supplied with the printer. Now running with a full spool.
The Ender 3 has been making lots of waves in the hobbist community the last few months after somebody found settings that produced passable miniatures with that really cheap filament printer (channel 3D printed tabletop on Youtube), nothing to get CB worried (only resin printers compete with that, and those are going to remain far more expensive for the foreseeable future) but far more than enough for the D&D crowd. I plan to get one once i get through some other priorities, so maybe end of the year (assuming it hasn't been dethroned by then, i mean). You might want to take a look at this file designed to help you level the printer bed, it might help.
@jherazob thanks, I'll take a look. I've been sliding a piece of paper between the nozzle and bed as a feeler gauge. Just to bore you all some more, I got the thrusters printed. The petals haven't come out clean, I'll be doing to cleaning up of those. I am still really impressed with how it is coming out. @TopoSolitario thank you for doing this and giving me a nudge to experiment with 3d printing. I've got a leg printed too. But I've just got the Civilian front fuselage is underway.
Assembled the Civi-harra ;) Just need to get it painted up. If you're interested I wrote up a small blog post about building it here, and blog post about my build of my Ender-3 printer here.