New Tunguska

Discussion in 'Nomads' started by mothman, Mar 24, 2018.

  1. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Bakunin is basically an agreement of smaller groups who want to run their society in a certain way, and agree to get along with each other and follow common rules in common areas so that their wider space city's systems can function. It's not really a society like any other. But they definitely had periods where they kicked out people who didn't play nice and I imagine they have a certain standard required, you aren't allowed to just torture people to death or whatever sick shit in your hab just because it's yours.

    Also these days Bakunin has a massive number of industries, notably the media and art industry, operating out of the Common Areas. So I imagine it's a bit more complex from that too.
  2. Zmaj

    Zmaj Active Member

    Feb 10, 2018
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    I think that Nomad's anarchy is more about not living under Aleph's heel and not having traditional forms of government and institutions (wiki definition) then about lawlessness and punks rioting and burning stuff. Tunguska is corporate mob state, I'm not sure about Corregidor (elder council or council of different syndicate leaders) and Bakunin is bunch of communes that make their own rules/laws and with general rule you shouldn't bother other communes and endanger the ship (who's representatives still gather to decide stuff on ship level).

    Bakunin has Moderators, trained police force/milita (+SWAST which is probably like SWAT team) that keeps things in order as well as protect the ship from outer dangers and you have also Observance, something like religious police (almost like some sort of inquisition?). They are all trained and follow orders, even Riot Grrls and Morlocks follow orders (former until they hurt something and latter after the end of their berserk rage).

    If having CoC in Bakunin is unfluffy then having lieutenant is also unfluffy.
    Anyways, I'm not arguing that they *should* get it.
    sarf and nazroth like this.
  3. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    The Taskmasters SWAST units are there for when a Praxis Black Lab goes all Resident Evil...
  4. neostrider

    neostrider Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Bakunin is definitely an experimental government. I roll my eyes at the quick description as Anarchy, when it really seems to be be closer to a libertarian socialism. The government's primary purpose is stability: army, infrastructure, and unity. Within any individual habs they are allowed their own morality regarding sex, violence, religion, plus more ideologies than exist today.

    Now add the intergalactic diplomacy, threats, and technology and we end up with die morlocks, custodians, and chimeras. If bakunin ever saw new models I'd hope they get more examples of some of these extreme habs they have. Looking at the list I've realized its mostly governmental units.
    loricus likes this.
  5. loricus

    loricus Satellite Druid

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Unfortunately there are more cool possibilities than a Sectorial has room for. Maybe an NA faction could be formed out of habs that don't want to work with Bakunin.
    Section9 likes this.
  6. Section9

    Section9 Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    loricus likes this.
  7. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    RPG has fluff on Equinox (they started as a Praxis lab into radical social revolution, who were ejected for fucking with Social Energy) who'd do well for that type of transgressive Non-aligned faction.
  8. prophet of doom

    prophet of doom Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Well, according to Mikail Bakunin, Anarchy is exactly that libertarian socialism. Even though his faction of communists were described as anarchists. he believed that police would be necessary until the communism has developed into its true paradise form. Unfortunately, he got almost nowhere and left the International because the authoritarian communists under Marx were stronger amongst the international communists.

    I see Corregidor as anarcho-syndicalists and thus closer to M. Bakunin's ideals than the Nomad ship that bears his name. The description of the Bakunin Nomads never made too much sense to me, but maybe I have not really understood it. Anarchy does not mean rioting and chaos, it means libertarian socialism, a society were everybody is equal and decisions are made on basis of consensus. Somehow there can still be something like an anarchist army, as history has shown. Basically the idea is that the soldiers elect their officers, which is something that has also been practised by Native Americans and the pirates of the Caribbean.
    Raghart likes this.
  9. Darkvortex87

    Darkvortex87 Combat jump kamikaze

    Nov 24, 2017
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    yeah, i expect the usual day of a taskmaster being like this:

    [Scene 1: police office]
    guy1 is sitting on a metal chair, legs rested on desk, reading some holoporn
    Guy2 is lazily doing some work on the holoterminal.

    Suddenly, both terminals freeze with a red warning and a loud ring propagate in the office "habitat 72-b : comunication down, no lifeform detected, many movements inside, 4 moderator KIA"

    Guy1 says: "it's our song.. Better dress up for the dance"

    Guy2 : "Hab 72-b... It's the third time this year. I swear that if that professor it's still alive, I'll kill it myself this time"

    Guy1: "you're still butthurt for last time?"

    Guy2: "next time it's tentacle monsters, I'm not clearing the goddamn lab!"
  10. Wombat85

    Wombat85 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Not to derail to much but can you expand this for me. I always thought the writings of buchanan on modern libertariansm to be in stark contrast to socialist ideology, as indcated by the not so subtle implications on maintaining Jim Crow in the face of federal government opposition.

    If you arnt familiar with the sailors who manned the Kronstd forts its essentially what they did, and how I imagine much of the nomads being run. There is a great documentary on it if only I could find it.
  11. mothman

    mothman Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    It also kind of hard to judge correg by what we consider good due to its culture. Work is considered a civic duty, if you dont work you pay a tax. Though even after paying it many still do work for free out of their cultures views on the value of working. Also as a Nomad you have alot of choice, every 4 years you can easily swap ships at a krug, most Nomads have families across the 3 ships. If you want a watered down Nomad life you can go live and work at one of the non motherships or permanent trade caravans which likely have more stable rules. Compare this to Pan-O where certain classes get no rights to move, Yu Jing where you 1. hope you are born chinese 2. Only really advance through playing the imperial game or rebel. Nomad life may boil you down to you are worth what you either produce money, labour or culture wise but at least you get the chance to rise there unlike the major 2 nations.

    On Corregs elderly thing its likely either you bank enough money through your life to pay the "I didnt work this year" fine, or there are likely some industries like child care that the elderly take care of. That or they have A senicide culture, like alot of non abrahamic countries used to have (Ubasute in Japan and Ättestupa in Nordic countries) Where elderly who feel they are a burden on a family will either kill themselves or will be killed, though this depends on if suicide is considered a moral taboo in Nomad culture (wouldn't surprise me if the Bakunin churches run large elderly homes (for women only, men have finished their usefulness by then in their view). Though with cubes and stuff if you work hard Nomads likely can keep themselves going through some of the back alley work in Bakunin.

    Tunguska is similar to Bakunin, but seems to have a way harsher tolerance level, you can do what you want as long as it doesnt break the tranquillity of the ship because they dont want to freak out investors and bankers who visit from other nations and give an illusion that Tunguska is an oasis style place.
  12. neostrider

    neostrider Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2018
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    Not a political science major but:

    In America we have a big anti socialism sentiment that has more todo with old cold war propaganda and less about political application.

    Socialism is like the country is a giant clock and since every cog is vital they should live equally maintained lives. Same food, same house quality, same safety.

    Communism is a specific attempt at socialism by creating a bureaucratic layer to manage the whole machine and its easy to corrupt.

    Libertarianism is like the government is only here to keep stability: army, roads, police. Laws should infringe on personal rights as little as possible. Seatbelts laws, public drunkenness, ideological beliefs like religion or racism; these should be allowed because the government is not the thought police.

    Liberal is a more proactive "let's raise up the down trodden" they think the government should create programs and write moral laws that benefit the needy and raise the average lifestyle towards a utopian ideal. This tends to rub people the wrong way and get called socialist because it's nearing being thought police and a general sentiment that it helps those that don't try as hard.

    That's where capitalism starts to enter the conversation. Not necessarily a government but it's a system used to determine the haves and have nots. This would be an important measurement if you wanted to do any of the other "fair" systems. The premise is people get what they are worth and that should quickly give us a work in, money out qualifying system. Kind of a measurement for meritocracy. It is arguably rife for corruption.

    So by socialist libertarianism I meant that racist pods can be racists, but they should abide by the laws about hurting others. In bakunin I doubt they kick down doors to prevent rallies, but they ever riot into another pod they better expect to get ejected.
    Wyrmnax likes this.
  13. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    US Liberal and Liberal eveywhever else are two different things; in the US it's become a short-hand for centre-leftism and social liberalism, everywhere else it's all about Free Markets, personal rights and small government.
    Zewrath, McNamara and xagroth like this.
  14. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    In Bakunin they're very liberal anarchists, all about personal freedom, in Corregidor they seem to be much more Anarcho-Socialist/Syndicalist, in Tunguska they seem to be vaguely AnCap but also not...

    Honestly I start to feel like you can't really apply a political structure to Tunguska like we have today. We'd need new terminology.
    xagroth likes this.
  15. McNamara

    McNamara Merc Rep

    Jan 7, 2018
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    In my eyes Tunguska is probable just one huge company without any regulation with different subcompanies or very different departments, which might have overlap and some redundancy. As long as the job gets done nobody really cares, everybody gets payed dependents on their skill or kind of work and if you fuck up you can get fired (depending on your worth for the company this might happen faster or not at all, I suspect).
    It seems pretty straight anarchocapatilist to me, the only question is how they protect private property, since they don't have any police or judges, but I guess they might have a very tight, secure banking/account system, which might protect at least some kind of assets each individual has.
    I guess they could even hand out something like unconditional basic income to their citizens, so that healthcare and retirement are solved, but up to each individual how they manage it.
  16. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Let's thing of Tunguska as a featureless flat plane, on which it's built. Originally, there was nothing because it's made from scratch, which makes things easier and harder at the same time.

    So you start off with a data-vault. A crypt. The crypt is kept safe by a group of hackers and security specialists, which space operations specialists to ensure the whole thing stays running. This is financed by a group of interested parties, and everyone there is there because it's their job and/or they are the family of someone who works there. This isn't really an independent society, it's more like a real world science research base or some such. Then you get the services that spring up, because people need doctors, entertainment, chefs, hotels, etc. So you get the slow development of a service sector. Now we're starting to look like a real society. Over time, the involved parties move more and more of their operations there, until they are based out of the Ship. The people who work for these parties grow in number, as do the services. The ship becomes independent, but is still owned by the involved parties. What is the government structure like there? I don't think they even really have one, the ship is run by its owners, and everyone else is there based on their contract. What kind of services are there? I think probably very good ones, lot of money going around and a lot of high grade professionals. What happens when you fall through the cracks?

    Well, Tunguska is a quiet, tranquil place. I imagine that people who cannot support themselves for whatever reason actually probably just leave, go to another Nomad ship-fleet where they can find a place, or another polity entirely. But at the same time, having loads of unemployed people is bad for business. I doubt there's really a social welfare structure because everyone who is supposed to be there is supposed to work, in some way, for the owners of the ship, either directly or providing services for those who do. If you get fired, you're no longer part of that. So the stopvalve is likely other habitats. I imagine that unemployment is probably really low; to go to Tunguska you need lots of money to stare there without working, or have a job, so people who do tend to be already successful, and the children of these people almost certainly get very high quality education and work there... or again, leave. And I think that's the real key to understanding how Tunguska works, it's the Nomad Mothership where the system for dealing with people who fall through the cracks is for them to either quickly pull themselves back together in Tunguska, or leave. And that's probably a good reason for them to be a big part of the Nomad Nation, it provides them with the Corregidor and Bakunin habitats as an offloading point for people who for whatever reason can't or don't want to be on Tunguska any more.

    So yeah. Tunguska is the weird one. But at the same time, it's not really organised as a society like Bakunin and Corregidor are, it's more like a corporate compound, military base, research vessel etc, it's a private enterprise which is large enough that it has enough people to also resemble a city-state, but in reality, it's not exactly that either. It's the weirdest and probably least pleasant part of the Nomad nation for us, but at the same time, I imagine that it's probably a pretty pleasant place to live in, as there's a lot of money and the services are great, and if you can't live there, you just go somewhere else. But I bet they do have a small underclass on all the Nomad vessels, which is true of everywhere ever tbh.
  17. Zewrath

    Zewrath Elitist Jerk

    Nov 28, 2017
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    That’s an oxymoron.

    Libertarianism is the extreme protection of the individual right of the person as well as freedom of association. Socialism which, end goal is communism, is collectivism and disregarding the individual, if it serves the group or “the collective”. Oil and water. They are not compatible in any way shape or form.
    prophet of doom and nazroth like this.
  18. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Actually now I think of it, I bet if you're a Tunguskan you can buy shares in Tunguska and/or it's investors. So maybe in Tunguska they say, work to own part of the system, and therefore profit from it.

    In fact, I wonder if a part of standard pay in Tunguska is ownership and shares. Not for trivial stuff, but for occupational services, salaries etc.
    McNamara likes this.
  19. inane.imp

    inane.imp Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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  20. Solar

    Solar Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2017
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    Aha! So in Tunguska, the people, and corporate entities, own a stake in the government.
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