Long-Timed Recruiting: Svarhalheima TAG Based Game. . .

Discussion in 'Modiphius Entertainment' started by stevenart74, May 31, 2020.

  1. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Howdy to all the Forumites that like the RPG produced by Modiphius to "Celebrate" the awesome War-Game by Corvus-Belli. . .

    I will be able VERY soon to start anew a Merc Game centered around Haqqislamite + Nomads + "Other Faction Renegades" collaborating with Ariadnan Special Forces to modernize the Armies and Tactics of "Planet Dawn Original Colonists" (would NOT employ the terms "Aboriginals" or "Natives" as it will pertain the Antipodes, the TRUE residents of the Ariadnan Colony). . .

    I tried to start the Game, almost 2 Years ago, as based around TAGs and Powered Exoskeletons, but sadly RW complications (both on My parts and of the Many prospective Players) halted and hiccuped that Game of 2. . .

    Now I have 4 Players to "Restart" that Project (one of the "Original Crew" and 3 others freshers that joined later. . .) and FINALLY I could be do something about "Ariadnan Sponsored Mercs". . .

    . . . . .

    But the Players said that they would like FAR More a Game based NOT on "Heavy Armoured Land-Mates" but rather human-sized specialists with a few "NPC Sidekicks" for Stealth / Recon / Special Tasks / "Black Ops". . .

    My Games are ALWAYS centered on "Players Wishes" rather than a "GM dirven Plot" so I complied without fuss. . .

    . . . . .

    But. . .

    As I am QUITE a Fanatic of "Powered Armour Games" (from the VERY start of when I read the FIRST "Appleseed" Manga of Masamune Shirow made in 1985, in English in 1990 and Italian in 1995) then I thought to "Export" the "Core Concept" of THAT Game on ANOTHER "Planet Scenery". . .

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    In My GameS (plural wanted !!!) Background there is a "Criminal Organization Of Smugglers" that SEEMS to link "Disgruntled Combined Army Aliens" (mainly Shaasvastii "Genetic Purists" chafing under the OPPRESSIVE "Illuminated Dictatorship" of the E.I.) to various "Submondo Slaver Rings". . .

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    In the Ariadnan Based Game there SEEMS to be the "Rogue Criminal A.I." of the Human Sphere, Svengali, that is linking Teseum Smugglers from Planet Dawn to Nomad-Based "Bakunites Slave Pits" Managers from the Nomad Motherships. . .

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    But there are OTHER sides of this "Galaxy Spanning Criminal Conspiration". . .

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    On Svarhalheima, on the CONTESTED "Borders" between "Huangdi" (the Yujing Controlled territory, claimed as named "Niflheim" by Pan-Oceanians) and the Pan-O Zones, there is a GROWING unrest by "Local Natives", the descendants of Miners and Ice-Workers that FEEL they are NOT "Citizen Subjects of the State-Empire" and NEITHER "Low Level Prolets of Pan-Oceania". . .

    This "Ice People Rights Movement" started by exchanging precious ores from ABANDONED Factories and Mines in the CONTESTED zones (a Plot SHAMELESSLY ripped from the "Outrage Manga") with Weapons and Wargear provided by the Druze Criminal Cartel. . .

    The Operation was UTTERLY cracked by FIRST the intervention of Hexa-Sponsored Mercs and THEN a "Full Dragnet" by Yujing Military Police; but the ANGRY "Snow People" STILL wanted an armed insurrection against "Cruel, Distant, Indifferent Masters from Out-The-Planet". . .

    The issue with the Japanes Insurrection FANNED the Flames, as "Snow-Samurai Patriots" and "Ice Ninja Terrorists" directed by Tatenokai-Kempeitai "Handlers" attacked NOT ONLY Yujingese Garrisons, but ALSO "Liberated" Armories and Supply Depots deep inside Pan-O Controlled Zones. . .

    . . . . .

    At FIRST the Hexaedron plauded; still reeling from the "Outrage Debacle" they were GLAD the Forces of Yujing licked their wounds retreating behind "Heavily Garrisoned Mountaintop Fortress". . .

    But THEN any and ALL the "Pan-O Ateks / Pseudoateks" of the contested zones started to revolt, making organized strikes, do whatever they could to harass and hamper the "Precious Ores Flow" and Mining Lobbies started to suffer for it. . .

    . . . . .

    A.L.E.P.H. controlled "Posthuman Supervisors" started to collate Reports from BOTH the sides (Asura Operatives with the Imperial Security Service and Guailang Rangers; Naga "Scouts" working in tandem with Nisse Military Police) and a TROUBLING pattern emerged. . .

    . . . . .

    The so-called "N.E.M.E.S.I.S. Anarco Terrorist Cartel" that had started Operations on Planet Dawn, AGAINST the Ariadnan Federal Government THEN had ALSO gained a STRONG "Foothold" entrenching itself in "Svarhalheiman Independence Patriots". . .

    Japanese Kempeitais are SLOWLY "Subverted" by Ninja Operatives of UNPARALLELED "Hyper Stealth Capabilities" that WORRINGLY resembles "Lower Tech Speculo Killers" and Pan-O "Snow Ateks" have NOW access to a "Pseudo-Arachne" Non-Maya "Local Network Matrix" that is TROUBLINGLY similar to "Svengali's Source Code". . .

    . . . . .

    In a UNPARALLELED tactical move then A.L.E.P.H. counseled O12 to PRESS both Yujing State-Empire and Panoceanian Military Complex an incredibly daring proposal. . .

    Create a JOINT "Military Police Force" that will have the BEST Operatives from Pan-O and Yujing (with the "Gentle Overseeing" of "Myrmydon Military Police" Specialists) to be "Border Patrol" against the "Xeno Evil" starting to "Burrow Under The Dark Ice Of Niflheim". . . . .!!!

    As RESOURCES are stretched THINNER than normal due to the debacles on Paradiso (and other fronts) the "Special Border Joint Command" privileges "Artic Warfare" TAG Pilots that operates WITHOUT "Light Infantry Support" and MINIMAL "Drone Ancillary Sub-Units". . .

    Enter the Players. . . . .
  2. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    Game Premises:

    Based on Svarhalheima; not only the Border between "Huangdi" and Trollhattan or Sokolov, but ALSO the "No-Man's Land" toward the South Pole (reported UNINHABITABLE by MERE "Human Sphere Arcology Tech") and the Overseas Mining / Oil-Rig Platforms. . .

    Investigating "Criminal Ties" between Yujingese Rebels, Pan-O Ateks and "Offworld Submondo Criminals"; "Alien Renegades" from the Combined Army ("Rogue" Speculo Killers with Morat Krakot Bodyguards) are "Reportedly" the Masterminds behind the scenes, along WITH "Svengali Posthuman Operatives" so HIGH COMBAT CAPABILITIES and "Infowar" specialists are advised. . .

    Player Characters Allowed:

    AT LEAST one of the 3 (perhaps 4) "Character Classes" allowed MUST be T.A.G. Pilots; this is a "Exoarmour Warfare Based" Game (You do NOT want to play a "Tag Exoarmour Specialist" chasing Criminals in the snowbanks? Then TRY My other Game. . .!!). . .

    "Snow Artic Warfare Specialists" Classes are STRONGLY advised; "Nisses" for Pan-O Characters, "Guilangs" for Yujingese and "Nagas" for A.L.E.P.H.-Origin Characters. . .

    I DO NOT LIKE the Idea of a Player Character "Sitting In The Rearguard" and employ Remote Controlled Drones; Pan-O Operatives will be "Vintage Pilots" of "Hollowed Out Jotums" (stats IDENTICAL to the "Elite Reinforced Guijias" that will be provided for Yuijing Characters !!)

    Pan-Oceanian could be of ANY other Classes (provided ONE is TAG Pilot); if one Player likes MORE to select, rather than "Father Knight of Svarhalheima" some sort of "Hyperelite Socialite Lobbysist" then it would be the "Supply Lines Specialist" that would need to secure Reinforcements and Ammo Crates from UNCOLLABORATIVE "Local Garrison Quartermasters". . .

    Yujingese could be ANY Class (provided ONE is TAG Pilot); for OBVIOUS Reasons "Japanese Nationalists" would be VERY difficult to insert; a "Ninja Character" would RATHER be a "Lin Kuei" (Ninja-Shinobi of Chinese Origin; controlled by the Jade Emperor's Chancellory RATHER than a "Mercenary Clan Oyabun" !!) or some sort of "Shaolin Monk Stealth Specialist". . .

    A.L.E.P.H. Characters could NOT be "Posthumans" (too MUCH of an Hassle to check on BALANCED Rules) and OBVIOUSLY not "Virtual Digitized Personalities"; some sort of "Mrymydon Ranger" or "Naga Hacker" would be the IDEAL choice; interestingly ENOUGH they have NOT to select "TAG Pilot" as one of their Classes, PROVIDED they will have a "Ajax Class Heavy-Duty Body" optimized for "Artic Warfare" (using "Appleseed Comparisons" they will be the "Briareos" towards the other Players' "Deunans". . .!!). . .

    As BOTH Svengali and "Combined Army Rogues" are involved, the A.L.E.P.H. Character will be CUT OFF from the main "Mayasphere Direct Channel" of the benevolent Artificial Intelligence; ANY time they will be back to "Joint Patrol HQ" they will have "Scheduled Maintenance" of their Digitalized Consciousness, Back-Up Copies and "Memory Checks"; if they "Wear In The Field" a "Military Frame Body" then they will have a "Clone Body" of Organic High % at HQ, for socializing better outside the barracks and "R&R" in the Svarhalheiman Cities, to better "FIT IN" with the Human-Borne colleagues. . .

    . . . . .

    Apart from their "Guijia Mark2" / "Snow-Ajax Briareos" Frame, that will have GRATIS a "Smartlinked Tinbot" (with LIMITED "Stealth Capabilities") that could be "Piloted by their Geists", the Characters could select a "Sidekick Group" of:

    3 Small "Arachnobots"; essentially Light Mulebots, Artic Survival modded, with JUST a little more Armourplating added and a SMALL Caliber Weapon (Medium Autopistol / Light Assault Rifle for "Sniping" OR Light Shotgun / Chain Colt for "Close Combat") mounted underneath (investing in SERIOUS "Alternative Ammo" could be a smart move). . .


    2 "Heavy Duty Drones"; Pan-Oceanian Bulletteers "Mark3", Yujingese "Yaokongs" or A.L.E.P.H. "Rudras"; slower and "Less Nimbler" than the lighter "Mule Drones" would be FAR MORE Armoured and with FAR HEAVIER Ordnance (Flamethrowers or "Twin-Linked Chainrifles for "Melee Fighters"; HMG / Spitfires / Multisniper Guns for "Artillery Support") could be employed as either "Distant Early Warning Patrols" or to "Scout" Caves, Mines or Abandoned Buildings suspected to be Traps or "Ambush Killboxes" where a TAG would be unwieldly. . . .


    1 "Twin Robot Mecha"; Smartlinked to the Character's Brain (with "Emergency Remote Piloting" by the Character Geist in case of "Unconsciousness", with the "Tinbot Body" dropping dead. . .!!) would be a VERY experimental "Agile Shieldmaiden" Model for the HEAVYER, slower and less nimbler "Manned Exoarmour" piloted by the Character; for Panoceanians could be a "Snow Tikbalang" / "Artic Seraph" customized and able to wade quickly on hailstorm fields (choice of the Player if "Long Range Support" or "Close Combat Specialist"); for Yujingese would be OBVIOUSLY the "Proud Achievement of the State Empire" the TRANSFORMABLE Sujian. . .

    For A.L.E.P.H. Characters COULD BE ANYTHING; a "Mirror Clone" of the Main Heavy Duty Body, a "Marut Frame" optimized for Svarhalheima, a "Troll Hunter" Cetus Quadraped with HEAVIER Armour, a "Mega Arachnotank" similar to a Maghariba-Sized "Rudra" with Missile Launchers and Antitank Cannon. . .

    . . . . .

    The Players will be based on a "Mountaintop Fortress" that is on one of the HIGHEST peaks of the Niflheim-Trollhattan Border (to better allow a Satellite Dish "Real Time Synch" with A.L.EP.H. Mainframe) and GARRISONED by Cube-Less "Atek Mercs" WELL Paid by O12 (to MINIMIZE some "Pseudo-Sepsitor" Terror Tactics employed in the past by Svengali against Police Forces). . .

    The Characters will have ENOUGH "Advanced Hitech Paramilitary Vtols" to carry THEM and their "Wargear Panoply" EVERYWHERE on "Border Patrol Duty" with REASONABLE Timing (the BEST Airforce Tech of the Human Sphere amount to NOTHING when You have to wade into a "Whiteout Storm" with Cyclone-Hurricane Windforce). . .

    Some more "Personal Customization" could be discussed around. . .

    . . . . .

    The desired "Number" of Player Character would be of "Multiple Trifecta Triplets":

    A Pan-O Character, THEN a Yujingese one, THEN an A.L.EP.H. borne, and so on. . .
  3. SCTerranPlayer14

    SCTerranPlayer14 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    Is this still open? With the new TAG sourcebook out now I’ve been busy working on TAG pilot characters. After reading this I have a great idea for a TAG pilot but one who is from the Nomad Nation.
    stevenart74 likes this.
  4. stevenart74

    stevenart74 Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2018
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    As answered in PM in more Details seriously considering re-organizing everything and restarting the Project. . .
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